Sunday, March 29, 2009

learning git 1

Lemme write something I've learned with the book :Pragmatic Version Control Using Git (Pragmatic Starter Kit)

Why git doesn't have a "git cp" command for copying?
Because git doesn't track files, it tracks content.
For git, filenames are nothing more than metadata.

How to handle ignoring files in remote repos and local one?
For remote repository, you write ignoring config set at .gitignore. This setting is shared with developers who use this remote repository.
For local repository, you write configures at .git/info/exclude. This file isn't shared with others, so you can write specific settings.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


I start writing English blog.
Because I can't introduce myself to the foreign people in Japanese blog, I try to write my thought in English.
This trial will also increase my English ability. :)

I wanna work in the Sillicon Valley.

I don't understand how to use "in" and "at" separately.
Now I think "in" indicates "area," while "at" does "tiny point."
I often use these word without deep thought...So I have to examine the correct use of them :P